Dec 30 2024 Newsletter -Dec 30th 2024 Newsletter - Thank you and Game on

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December 30, 2024


The Neighborhood Coalition thanks our community groups, large and small, our partners, and our supporters – people like you – for your tireless commitment to achieving our shared goals: protecting the health and safety of the residents of Sonoma County and protecting the environment from harmful impacts in the cannabis ordinance update.

2025 – GAME ON!

The County plans to release the draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) in January 2025. This is the environmental Super Bowl as the County reveals its true intentions about how it intends to impose cannabis on our communities. The County announced a 45-day period for the public to comment before the DEIR goes to the Planning Commission in February, then to the Board of Supervisors in May for adoption. The report will likely be hundreds of pages long but this is no time to feel overwhelmed by its volume. We are poised to jump into the game. We intend to be an active and strong player on your behalf, analyzing the details and advocating for the health of residents and the environment.

With your help, we’ve forced the County to do an EIR. We will continue to monitor the process to stop the degradation of our rural lands and ensure that the County doesn’t backslide on its promises to protect neighborhood compatibility.


While we are grateful for all the progress made thus far, we are gearing up again. Alarmingly the County released proposals in July 2024 that are truly and genuinely disastrous and awful. For an overview, listen to a 30-minute explanation of the County’s instructions to Accent, the firm preparing the EIR.

The Neighborhood Coalition is needed now more than ever! Together we will carve a path forward. We know that we can take on this challenge together, with your help, to resist the attempts to weaken the protections we support.

It’s a marathon - the final kick begins in 2025. Join us and stay tuned!


Our campaign to preserve what we all hold near and dear needs your support. Your tax-deductible donation will fund technical experts and our legal team that are critical to our effort to require the County to protect our environment, children, and the health and safety of our neighborhoods.

The Neighborhood Coalition is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, volunteer-based, dedicated to advocating for proper cannabis and land-use policies that benefit the community. All donations support these efforts.

You can donate online , or you can mail a check to:

Sonoma Neighborhood Coalition
PO Box 1229
Sebastopol, CA 95473

Thank you for your support and donation.
The Neighborhood Coalition team